Dancer portrait session

You may not know this about me, but I use to be a dancer. In fact, for most of my life I wanted to, and believed, I would be a dancer. Own my own studio (attached to my house of course, teach for many years, and live happily. Dance was my passion, and I still love and appreciate the art. My girls dance and have for years, which is how I met Olivia and her mom. Olivia quickly befriended my oldest, and the girls spent much time together while at dance. I learned about Olivia and what an amazing girl she is. She has blossomed into such a gorgeous young woman, and grown into an incredible dancer! So of course, when Mel approached me to do a session for Liv, I was over the moon excited.

I had never photographed at Old Stone Church, but had admired it for years. It is a, not so hidden, gem in Central, MA... on the water and tucked within the woods. Come fall, there is amazing foliage too! I'm already planning my next sessions there.