Anxious for Spring.

I'm sure you are like me right about now, and anxiously awaiting warmer weather. After the year we have all had, don't we just want to be able to have FUN?

I don't know about you, but I personally cannot wait until I can sink my toes into the sand, feel the crashing waves and smell salty air.

Until then, I will enjoy the beauty pf Spring, and that means ALL the flowers and colors!!

If only the tree and leaves would catch up to the grass. How is it that I already had to mow my lawn, but my trees have almost zero leaves still?!

For these photos (which were something I tried out for a photo challenge I entered), I packed my girls up and drove to a new favorite spot. I spent WAY too much on flowers, AGAIN, and we just played around.

I'm trying to get my girls more involved in the planning process of a shoot. I let them pick out outfits, help with make up and picking out of props, and even follow along with cues and poses they want. I think its so important that they learn what goes into making the art I do, and how the process really goes from start to finish.